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Leveraging Employee Benefits for Mental Health: A Roadmap for Employers

By Employee Benefits
Addressing the mental health and emotional well-being of employees is a crucial aspect of modern corporate culture. Companies are increasingly understanding that happy and mentally fit employees are essential for creating a productive and positive working environment. One way to achieve this is by offering employee benefits designed to support their mental health. These benefits not only help to prevent burnout and reduce stress but can also foster a workforce that is more engaged, resilient, and satisfied. (more…)
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HDHP vs. PPO – A Kapnick Case Study

By Case Studies, Employee Benefits
The following is a case study based on real Kapnick clients about an employee trying to choose between a HDHP or a PPO medical insurance plan. THE PROBLEM An employee whose main healthcare expense is prescription costs were given the choice by their employer between a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) and a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO). Despite the fact that their (more…)
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Expanding Your HR Team Without Hiring

By Employee Benefits
Enrolling, administering, filing, auditing, correcting, answering questions. Managing your employees’ benefits can be challenging, especially during busy seasons like open enrollment, or if you don’t have a fully staffed HR team. Kapnick can help expand your HR team without hiring additional employees. Kapnick's online benefits platform allows our clients to significantly reduce administration costs, eliminate time-consuming paperwork, and enable a (more…)
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