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DEI: Increasing Awareness Of Unconscious Bias

By Employee Benefits
Unconscious bias happens when people form impressions about other people that are either positive or negative based on stereotypes or preconceived notions about things like race, gender, ethnicity, age, disability, or other characteristics. Unconscious biases are usually ones that people aren't aware of; they result from the brain's tendency to group things together to (more…)
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Diversity vs. Inclusion: What’s the Difference?

By Employee Benefits
When it comes to business, the terms "diversity" and "inclusion" are often used interchangeably. However, there is a big difference between the two concepts – and it's important for leaders to understand the distinction. Defining Diversity And Inclusion Diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords, but rather an embodiment of how we strive to make everyone feel safe and accepted. (more…)
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