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Kapnick Benefit Services

Elevating employee health: Kapnick Strive can help with preventive care

By Employee Benefits
In a time when our schedules rival rush-hour traffic, taking a moment for a well-visit might seem like a low priority. Yet, these check-ups hold the key to employee well-being and, can ultimately impact a company's success. How do we encourage employees to conquer these challenges and prioritize well-being? Enter Kapnick Strive. Kapnick Strive is a worksite well-being program that bridges the gap between good intentions and action. With robust communication campaigns, onsite screenings, and educational opportunities, Strive is designed to make preventive care top-of-mind for employees. By bringing these resources directly to the workplace, Strive eliminates barriers such as…
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Leveraging Employee Benefits for Mental Health: A Roadmap for Employers

By Employee Benefits
Addressing the mental health and emotional well-being of employees is a crucial aspect of modern corporate culture. Companies are increasingly understanding that happy and mentally fit employees are essential for creating a productive and positive working environment. One way to achieve this is by offering employee benefits designed to support their mental health. These benefits not only help to prevent burnout and reduce stress but can also foster a workforce that is more engaged, resilient, and satisfied. (more…)
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Employee Benefits Education: FMLA Guide

By Employee Benefits
Whether you are unable to work because of your own serious health condition, or because you need to care for your parent, spouse, or child with a serious health condition, the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides unpaid, job-protected leave for qualified employees. Leave may be taken all at once, or may be taken intermittently as the medical condition requires. Kapnick provides this FMLA guide as a simple (more…)
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Employee Benefits Education: Health Insurance Terminology

By Employee Benefits
The health care system in the United States can be confusing. In order to get the most out of your health care benefits, you need to understand the terms used by insurance companies, the government, health plans and health care providers. As part of Kapnick Benefit Services employee benefits education series, we put together this handy list of health insurance terminology. (more…)
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HDHP vs. PPO – A Kapnick Case Study

By Case Studies, Employee Benefits
The following is a case study based on real Kapnick clients about an employee trying to choose between a HDHP or a PPO medical insurance plan. THE PROBLEM An employee whose main healthcare expense is prescription costs were given the choice by their employer between a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) and a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO). Despite the fact that their (more…)
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